Narrative: What’s Your Point of View?

Steve Fendt
8 min readAug 13, 2022

Getting some perspective

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash

The first story I put on Medium was Down on Corio Bay, a 25-chapter novella illustrated with my own cartoons, digital paintings and photos. You might as well start big.

Every chapter was from a different perspective, using a different narrative technique. You might as well confuse the hell out of your readers.

This may or may not be a full list:

  • Dialogue with minimal third-person narration
  • An Ashley Madison chat thread
  • A text message exchange
  • Omniscient third-person narration
  • Interior monologue
  • First-person narration (journal / diary)
  • Third-person ‘limited’ narration from the perspectives of seven characters, including a shark

There were three interwoven story arcs.

Down on Corio Bay is no longer to be found anywhere online, as I’m in the process of tidying up and expanding it for slightly more formal publication. It has grown by five chapters, a prologue and an epilogue — and another story arc. It will be the second novella in my Friday Novella series on Substack.



Steve Fendt Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.