Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Stingaree Bay – a novella in 30 chapters

30 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

The Plot – a novella in 21 chapters

14 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Telling the Bees – a novelette in 20 chapters

20 stories

A view through thick forest with a ferny understorey below dark trunks, glimpes of blue sky above.
A rural valley at sunrise, facing into the rising sun. In the foreground a grassy paddock; beyond the fence a thick band of trees; in the distance to left and right the bluish slopes of high hills. Isolated cirrus clouds.
A winding gravel path through tall mountain ash forest with treefern understorey in misty, damp weather.
Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Music and Art

14 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Life Stories (other writers)

43 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Resonant Verse (other writers)

108 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Lucid Reflections (other writers)

62 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Cast Ashore: a novelette in 15 chapters

15 stories

A wide beach of pale sand: a creek snakes across it towards the distant surf. To the right a rounded, dark headland. In the foreground, a tree branch and other debris.
Overexposed black-and-white photo: a wide expanse of sandy beach with two lifesaving flags, bent over by strong wind. Surf in the background.
Slender, near-symmetrical tree on the stony bank of a small river; palette muted, almost monochrome.
Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Beach Walker: a novella in 24 chapters

24 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Writerly Advice (other writers)

22 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Short Fiction: One-Offs

4 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Entrancing Tales (other writers)

15 stories

A close-up of red and white flowers and green leaves.
Monstrous blood-red armchair flowing in a sea of blackness. Halloween fiction.
Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

True Confessions

14 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

This Literary Life

12 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt


8 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt


8 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Nature's Stories

15 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Chronicles of Smurf

11 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

Jacky Winter series

9 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt

The Jack Shaw Files, Dossier 1

5 stories

Steve Fendt

Steve Fendt Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.